
All motor vehicles parked in a non-metered University-owned parking lot are required to obtain a parking permit for that motor vehicle from the Department of 停车 和 移动服务. 停车许可证只签发给指定的人员和车辆使用.


  • The purchase of a University parking permit grants the permit holder access to specific parking lots, 但不保证在校园里有停车位. 所有许可证持有人的泊车位均以“先到先得”方式安排.
  • All vehicles parked on University property must display a current valid license plate 和 be fully registered in the state 发行 the license plate.
  • All parking permits must be displayed in the lower left corner of the windshield 和 have a valid license plate(s) attached/associated through Department of 停车 Services system.
    • Virtual parking permitted lots must have license plate attached/associated through the Department of 停车 Services 和 displayed to the center aisle.
    • 大学出租物业(URP)许可证必须显示在后视镜上, must have license plate attached/associated through the Department of 停车 Services 和 displayed to the center aisle.
  • 许可证不得转让给其他个人.
  • Any person obtaining a permit for a vehicle(s) shall be liable for all violations incurred by such vehicles(s) or by the holder of the permit.
  • A 24-hour access fee will be added to all Resident student-parking to cover storage parking impacts to campus events.



    • 限制(红色)

      限制性许可证每周7天,每天24小时对特定的限制性停车场有效. 另外, 下午4点到早上6点, 星期一至星期五, 在周末的所有时间,限制性许可证都是有效的,地段H1, Q, W和所有通用100系列停车场. 本许可证不适用于按小时收费的停车场或指定停车位.

    • 一般(黄色)

      一般许可证只适用于指定范围内的一般停车场.e. 北或南),在前面的许可证. 另外,从下午4点开始.m. 到6岁.m., 星期一至星期五, 和 all times on the weekends a General permit is valid in all 通用100系列批号 及限制地段H1, Q, 和W. 此许可证不适用于收费访客停车场或指定停车位.

    • 晚上/周末(银)

      夜间/周末一般许可证从下午4点开始有效.m. 到6岁.m.周一至周五,以及General 100系列批次和H1, Q和W的所有周末时间. 此许可证不适用于收费访客停车场或指定停车位.

      夜间/周末限制许可证从下午4点开始有效.m. 到6岁.m., 星期一至星期五, 周末的所有时间都在许可证前面指定的地段, 通用100系列批号, 及限制地段H1, Q和W. 此许可证不适用于收费访客停车场或指定停车位.

    • 临时/访客

      停在任何停车场的车辆, 哪些是不被准许的车辆, 申请临时许可证. 这个许可证可以从停车和移动服务部门购买,价格为10美元.每张许可证00英镑, per day or obtained from an approved University department to which the vehicle operator is visiting. PDF许可证由主办部门或组织提供给活动参与者. 临时许可证不适用于短期(最多不超过3小时)停车场, 装货区, 或者没有指定的停车位.

    • Motorcycle (>50cc engine displacement)

      摩托车许可证对所购买许可证类型指定的地段有效. 此许可证在计价器或指定的访客区无效. Two wheeled vehicles over 49cc's are required to purchase a DU parking permit 和 park in the designated lot according to the permit purchased.

    • Scooter/Moped (<50cc engine displacement)

      Scooter 和 mopeds under 49cc's must be registered with the City of Denver 和 purchase a DU permit valid for scooter parking areas only. 摩托车和轻便摩托车不允许停放在自行车架, 行人通道, 或任何非指定的踏板车停车场.

    • 可访问性

      停车和移动服务每年向教师提供收费的无障碍许可证, 教职员及学生. These permits can be purchased online or through the parking services office with verification of your state issued credentials.

      Visitors to the DU campus who require accessible parking may utilize the designated spaces in our visitor parking lots. 司机必须出示国家颁发的残疾人停车许可证,如标语牌或车牌. 这些停车位,像所有的游客停车位一样,需要通过计时器或停车亭付费.

    • X许可

      The "X" endorsement to a parking permit is designed to be used by yzcca88游戏登录网址 personnel in the direct performance of their duties which necessitate routine parking in the various parking areas around the campus. “X”背书不是停车场升级. When not on official University business the permit holder is expected to park in his/her base lot. 个人支付基本许可证价格,部门支付“X”签注费用.


    Lost or stolen parking permits must be reported to the Department of 停车 和 移动服务 immediately. 在完成报告后,可以象征性地收取费用更换许可证. 遗失或被盗的许可证应立即交还停车及流动服务处. The replacement fee will be refunded if the original permit is recovered 和 returned to the yzcca88游戏登录网址 停车 Services department within three months of the report filing date.

    Operators of vehicles found displaying a permit that has been reported as lost or stolen will be held accountable for unethical behavior. 许可证将被没收, 该车辆将被发出传票, 固定化, 和 the case will be referred to the University's Office of Citizenship 和 Community St和ards for disciplinary actions.

    当汽车出售时, 交易, 或以其他方式处理, 大学停车许可证必须取消,并返回到停车服务部门. 所有停车许可证归yzcca88游戏登录网址所有.

    Acceptance 和 use of any yzcca88游戏登录网址 parking permit constitutes acknowledgment by the permit holder that he/she agrees with 和 will abide by all provisions contained in this document.



    所有退款必须在正常营业时间内亲自到我们的主要办公室申请. A Refund 应用程序 Form must be fully completed 和 the permit (product) returned to 停车 Services in good physical condition.


    除现金外,所有退款均通过原始付款方式发出. 每个许可证/产品服务费$5将从总退款金额中扣除. 这笔费用有助于支付与研究相关的费用, 处理, 发行, 可能还会寄一张退款支票给顾客. 所有许可证退款都是基于既定的按比例每月退款计划. 退款 are calculated according to the month the permit is physically returned 和 not to any official termination, 休假日期或最后一天上课. 具体付款退款信息如下:

    • Credit cards may be refunded immediately if the original card at the time of purchase is presented at the time of the refund application. 如果原始信用卡不可用或卡已被取消, 退款将以支票的形式发放.
    • 学生账单退款将根据相应的学生账单时间表进行处理. Students who have their parking fees placed on their student bill accounts are encouraged to physically return their permit for a refund immediately in order to stop future billings of the parking fees being placed on their accounts. Students who fail to return their permit will receive University notices reflecting the appropriate parking fees associated with the permit still in their possession. It is the responsibility of the withdrawing student permit holder to ensure that the permit is returned to 停车 Services, 否则计费过程将继续. Late fees may be assessed by the Office of Student Billing for late payments of the student tuition bill.
    • Payroll deduction payments for employees separating from the University 和 no longer needing their assigned parking permit will have their payments terminated on the last day of employment. Former employees are still responsible for the full amount of the remaining balance due until it is returned to 停车 Services. All employees are encouraged to return their parking permits immediately after separating from the University or no longer needing it.
    • 所有其他款项将通过yzcca88游戏登录网址应付账款办公室退还, 这可能需要长达四周的时间来处理.

    退款 & 未付泊车余额-如果客户有任何现有的泊车余额(例如.e.,允许 &/或欠系/大学的罚款, 全部退款将用于未付余额. 如果退款后适用于现有的余额和剩余的信贷存在, 它将作为退款处理给客户. At no time will refunds/credits be given to individuals with outst和ing parking/traffic balances.




    停车 & 移动服务